Choosing the hosting locations for your website should be the top on your checklist if you are launching the new website. Your web hosting server locations should be nearest to your target audience.
But Why Is It Important?
Because it will play a crucial role on performance of your website and SEO. Choosing the closest web hosting server to your target audience will reduce the page load speed, especially if you are running an e-commerce website. The slow loading speed of your website might cost you the prospective clients. Also, the Google has added the page load speed to their ranking algorithm so website loading speed will surely affect the ranking of your website. Hence hosting a website on a server closer to your target audience is very important from the SEO standpoint as well.
How To Choose The Best Location For Your Website?

Latency plays a crucial role when it comes to the speed of a website. Lower is better, 10 ms or lower is considered as an ideal latency. The best way to reduce the latency is to put your target audience closer to the web hosting server. You can also use the CDN if you are getting international traffic on your website.
What Is CDN And How Does It Work?
Content delivery networks (CDN) stores the cached version of your website’s static content in multiple web hosting locations across the globe and it will deliver the static content of your website from the nearest server to the user who is browsing the website. For example, if your website is hosted on a server located in Chicago and the user is browsing it from London, the CDN will deliver the cached content of the website from the nearest CDN server to London which will reduce the load time and latency dramatically.

In such a way, we highly recommend choosing a cloud hosting server closer to your targeted audience which not only gives the performance to your website but also helps in SEO and ranking of your website. Your website will have a lower latency which will result in a faster page loading. And if you are getting the traffic all around the world, then you should also consider using the CDN service to bring the content closer to your prospective users. Just ask Softsys Hosting experts and we’ll advise.